
Start the Season Off Right with Spring Cleaning

Spring is finally here after another long winter! The flowers are budding, the birds are tweeting, and nature, like you, is waking up. It’s time to open the windows, let the light in, and clean everything out.

Spring cleaning helps you clear out the winter clutter and welcome warmth and light into your house. This time is a great way to set the stage for the rest of the year by creating a safe, happy space. Cleaning your area is essential since more of us have spent more time at home than we have in the past. But don’t worry, we’ll assist you in making the cleaning process easier! This article will provide you with some helpful pointers on getting started!

Step 1: Stock Up

Before you even officially start to clean, you need to stock up on the products you need and will use. But be careful that you are picking the right items since unnecessary cleaning supplies will only add to the clutter you are already trying to clean! You usually don’t need a lot of goods to clean and maintain your house, so microfiber cloths and an excellent all-purpose cleanser are your best bets. Also, avoid exposing yourself to chemicals and toxins while purchasing cleaning supplies. White distilled vinegar, baking soda, and water are some of the best natural cleaning combos. These ingredients are inexpensive, non-toxic, and have a long history of cleaning success.

Step 2: Set a Schedule

Working your way through the house room by room is an excellent method to get the job done. To stay organized, you may make a checklist for each room. Ticking each room off your list as you complete it will make you feel like you’re making progress and remind you of the places requiring special care. Feel free to bypass sections that have recently been cleaned and concentrate on portions of your home that have been neglected throughout the winter. Some people prefer to blitz and spring clean their home all at once, while others prefer to schedule a few jobs whenever they have free time, such as weekends or nights. Choose a cleaning style that is right for you, set a schedule, and stick to it.

Step 3: Clean Room By Room

One of our top suggestions is to go room by room when you set your cleaning plan. Instead of trying to do five tasks in five different rooms, clean one room at a time before moving on to the next. This allows you to focus your attention on that room alone and will lessen the chance that you will forget a more minor or more unusual cleaning task. 

Step 4: Clear Out the Clutter

According to studies, having a chaotic home increases your stress level. It tells your brain that the job isn’t finished. The health consequences of inhaling dust, mixed with the stress of returning to a cluttered home, can be taxing. Because we’re all spending more time at home, especially in our home offices, keeping a clean work environment is more crucial than ever. Make time to dust and organize your workspace. Examine your drawers and closets for clutter. You might be amazed at how revitalized you feel after removing unneeded stress from your life.

Step 5: Do the Hardest Thing First

Like with many other things, getting the most challenging thing done first leaves you time and energy to get to the more manageable tasks. You have the most energy and determination when you first start, so tackle cleaning an area you most dislike first. This will probably be the kitchen or bathroom for most people, but your best bet is getting it out of the way!

Step 6: Let Spring Cleaning Set the Tone 

If your area feels gloomy and heavy, minor tweaks might help it feel lighter and more welcoming for spring. Because you are already putting in so much effort while cleaning, spring cleaning is the ideal time to switch things up, rearrange, move furniture around, or paint. Changing up your room by adding fresh colorful pillows or paintings is a terrific way to do so. Other ways to prepare your rooms for spring and summer include replacing bedding, towels, table linens, and even window treatments.

There’s nothing like cleaning, organizing, and freshening up your home for the sunny and pleasant summer months ahead after a long, cold winter. It may take some preparation and planning, but it will be well worth it in the end. Getting rid of winter dust, grime, and clutter is beneficial to your physical health and your mental health. It can help minimize the impacts of seasonal allergies and enhance your mental health. Isn’t it wonderful to come home to a sparkling clean house?

Are you ready to hop into some spring with a top-to-bottom house cleaning? We hope these simple tips will help you get on the right track! If your home needs more than a spring cleaning, schedule a showroom visit with Garden State Soapstone’s to start planning a dream kitchen or bathroom renovation.

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March, 2022

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