
Resolve to Care for Your Home in 2023

Whether you’re tired of being home or you’ve fully embraced the homebody lifestyle, 2023 will be the year you’re getting out more. 

Make the transition easier with routines and home care that matter to you: from a kitchen cleaning routine to a durable bathroom counter for your curling iron, make your home base relaxing and enjoyable as you become busier in the upcoming year.

Create a Routine: 

Some people think that a routine makes you boring, but that structure actually gives you the systems to live more spontaneously.

With cleaning and cooking routines, you gain back hours in your week of planning and deciding what to do next. Something as simple as an evening checklist for your kitchen means you wake up with less stress.

 As everyone returns to busier lives, whether working in an office, traveling more, or simply spending more time with friends, routines will free up some space for more activities and excitement.

Care for Your Spaces:

As you’re building out your routines, mark the times you need to care for countertops or other high-use surfaces in your home.

With soapstone, for example, you will need to apply The Original Soapstone Oil or Wax™️to ensure the patina stays even. You may need to do this more often after the installation, but soon it becomes once every few months.

Caring for your spaces at the right time ensures they look great every day in between.

Prioritize Comfort & Connection:

In 2023, we’ll be bringing more people into our homes after literal years apart. Resolve to make your home cozy and inviting this year. Have a plan for inviting friends over: mugs on display and an assorted tea collection, cheese and crackers, soft spaces to curl up and chat.

Take time to observe which parts of your home prioritize connection and where it’s difficult.

Imagine Coming Home:

One of the joys of leaving your house is coming back to it later. As you clean or tidy, imagine yourself coming home after your day at the office or an evening out with friends. Leave it like you want to find it: do you have the tools you need to make dinner after work, or should you run the dishwasher? Is your favorite mug ready for a cup of tea before bed? Do you really want to come home to a cluttered bathroom after the party? 

It’s the little things that make you excited to come home, so don’t leave more work for Future You. 

Choose Durability & Timelessness: 

Some areas of your home invite more trends: throw pillows on your couch, art selections on your wall, or your duvet cover. But kitchen and bathroom renovations need to stand the test of time, which is why a natural stone like soapstone, marble, or slate makes the best choice for these spaces.

Worrying about a hot pot or a curling iron on your countertop is one more thing you don’t need. Durable soapstone is heat resistant and non-porous, making it an easy choice for any surface. Because it’s a natural stone, it goes with almost any color scheme, so you can change your paint to match the trends, while your counters stay the same year after year.

If you’re planning a kitchen or bath remodel, schedule a visit to Garden State Soapstone and see our wide selection of soapstone, slate, marble, and wood surfaces you can use throughout your home.

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January, 2023

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